Beachbody Ultimate Reset Day 5

September 28th 2012

Winding down day 5 and we are rocking it. I’m down 9 pounds and Mark is down 7.
It is not just about the weight loss. It is about so much more. I’ve spent so many years going up and down. In the last 2 years of becoming a coach the yo-yo doesn’t go up and down as much. It is a few pounds here and there but never a big chunk either way. Except for this year.
We rocked the Ultimate Reset in May. I lost 13 pounds and Mark lost 16. Then we traveled and used that as an excuse to not stay on track. Vegas, San Jose, Cozumel, Austin, and more. We were so disciplined the first half of the year. We were working out and eating great building up to the Bahamas and Cozumel. Then after Cozumel it was like all hell broke loose. It was like we were going to leave the country and never come back. We had to visit restaurants and try everything, and eat our last pizza, and our last order of Chinese food and all of these other things. We enjoy food and the entertainment of it. I love date night. We get out of the house and go to dinner or a movie and have a bottle of wine and talk over dinner. I used date night to the extreme.

Finally we came to our senses and decided to do the Reset again and get on track. The plan is detailed. The plan works. Yes you have to shop for groceries instead of going through the drive through. Yes you have to cook instead of ordering out. Yes you have to plan ahead of what you will eat and when so you can take your supplements instead of just shoving food in all day at any time.

I’m surprised and then I’m not surprised by the amount of people who say they cannot do it. Anyone can do it they just choose not to do it. You can do anything for 21 days. One small portion of your life to get your health on track and people are not willing to stop their running schedule or their wine schedule. You can find 21 days in your busy life to do this for yourself. Trust me! It is worth it.

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