Insanity – Day 9 & 10

July 20th 2011

Back feels much better after a few trips to acupunture. Vertigo is basically gone too. The monthly bill arrived so I’m a little emotional and not in the mood to work out. Instead I push through. As Shaun T says: I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m trying to make you better.

Here I am on Day 9 going through the warm up of Pure Cardio

Day 10 was this morning. I pretty much popped out of bed. Amazed that I did because I’ve been so tired lately. Made it through Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Tomorrow, Recovery Day. Wonderful!

This morning I saw a picture that really hit home for me. Thought about it on the drive into work. If you want it, you have to work for it. You have to work for it all the time. No slacking. There isn’t a french fry in the world that will taste better than hitting my goal. I have a new sense of my goals. Funny how I have to refresh myself every few months.

Working For It

You don't get it by hoping...

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