Body Shamming aka Life Shamming

September 10th 2015

I’m so tired of all of the bullshit out there. Really. I’m sure you are too. Recently I witnessed fight on social media. A person, whom I will not name, made a video that shammed fat people. Someone I knew shared one of her videos earlier in the month and I didn’t find that one funny either. She seemed over the top and like she was trying to be someone else. If you are truly funny then you are funny. I’ll belly laugh and almost pee my pants. I LOVE funny. Amy Schumer is my kind of funny. Jennifer Lawrence is my kind of funny. I could name a ton of other comedians that are actually funny. People who can make fun of themselves and don’t talk shit about others. I actually didn’t see the fat shamming video. I had no interest in this girls page so I didn’t follow her. I saw a response video by Whitney Way Thore. Watch Whitney Way Thore’s response video if you want.

To be honest I never had heard of Whitney either. Not officially. After I Googled her I realized she was the girl from a reality show called My Fat Fabulous Life and was the girl in the “fat girl dancing” video that went viral. I must admit I’m not a big viral video person. It takes me a long time to click on them and watch. When my newsfeed is full of the same video over and over I just breeze over it. I don’t care about some family singing Frozen or some dudes pranking people with spraying pam all over the floor. Whine about it Wednesday by Matt Bellasai? YES. I’ll be watching that. I stalk his page on Wednesday. Hysterical videos. He talks about everyone and everything in such a way that it will make you pee your pants you are laughing so hard. But I’m sure there are people who don’t like him.

I watched Whitney’s response and clips of the fat shamming video were inserted. Wow. I couldn’t believe it. The fall out that happened. More followers to the mean girls page and more followers for the positive girls page too. There was even talk about on national and cable news. One received followers for being negative and mean and the other for shining a light. I felt divided. I saw some people I loved and respected actually liking and commenting on the mean girls page. How could they? Don’t they have a heart? Then I realized we are all different. I will not allow that mean girl to hurt me. She didn’t. Screw her and her non-comedy. If people find her funny and want to give her their attention they can.  I will not waste my time on her crap.Because of this incident I now follow and watch Whitney. She is an inspiration to help many who struggle with their body and with healthy eating. If it were simple then we would all be skinny.

body shamming

Do you body shame?

I’ve seen this image. Not like this but in what I consider to be a negative manner. The “fat” person has logos of fast food all over it and the “skinny” or aka “healthy” one has some health food shake on it. I’ve seen coaches do this. Oh look Shakeology is healthy and what you are doing is WRONG. Be skinny. You could insert any shake or gym. Crossfit, whatever.



Please stop doing this. Please. It doesn’t work. It only creates a deeper hole of depression for those who really want the help they need and want. I chose to use my struggle as a way to help others and walk out into the light together. Kicking others while they are down is NOT the way to go. Ever. Shaming them into taking action only causes more resistance.

Do not let these shitty images make you feel like less of a person. As the non-comedian made it clear. Just because you have a pretty face doesn’t mean you are nice. I don’t know anything about her. I’m just making assumptions based on what she has shown me. From what I’ve seen she seems like a mean hearted person who will probably not last long. Negative energy like that will find a way to disappear.

I’m up and down. I’m on fire and I’m ashes. It is my daily prayer to have gratitude and peace in my heart. It is my prayer for you that YOU love yourself and have peace within you. You are worth it. You are awesome. This is your one chance on this earth as you. Be as healthy as you can. Mentally and physically.



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