Day 1

September 1st 2015

We all have day 1. All of us. Day 1 at school, a new job, a new house, a new workout, a first date or the first day you bring your child home from the hospital. There is always what milestone of Day 1. We, in the fitness industry, see day 1 often.

You’ve decided that this is the time you are going to get fit.
You’ve decided that this is the program or the plan you are going to follow.
You pick a day on the calendar to begin. You want to pick the time when you will be the most successful. You don’t want to pick your day 1 the day you are going to a Super Bowl Party. You don’t want to pick day 1 as the first day you land in Vegas for the work convention. You want to set yourself up for success.

as you think so shall you become

As you think. So shall you become.


How many times have you started Day 1?

Did you believe you would succeed?

Did others try to tear you down?

Did you give up too quickly?




I’ve had more day 1s than day 90s. Most people in the fitness industry will tell you the same. It is very rare for someone to succeed day 1 to day 90 perfectly. There are usually set backs. The flat tires of life. Funerals happen. Weddings happen. Kids get sick. Birthdays happen. The holidays happen. Surprises wanted and unwanted happen.

Is it the end of the earth if you made it to day 40 and got hurt and had to start over? Hell no!
Is it the end of the world if you ate a piece of cake at your cousin’s wedding? Hell no!
Is it a reason to quit because you went out of town for a family reunion and ate pizza and drank beer? Hell to the NO!

Did you give up on Day 1? No.
No one gives up on day 1. You make it through day 1. You decided to make a change and that change is in motion. Just because you got a flat tire doesn’t mean you flatten the other 3 and abandon the car. You just fix the flat and move on.

If you really want to crank up the heat on your goals then act as if it is Day 1 all the time or as often as possible.
Would you be exhausted on day 1 of your workouts? Maybe. But not ready to completely quit.
Would you be tired of making salads on day 1? Doubt it.

It is okay to have 30 day 1s a year. If you start fresh the first Monday of every month and trail off and then have to plug in again that is okay. The important part is that you do not give up.

You will find the reason. You will find the passion. You will find the goal you want to hit and stick to it. It may not happen on the first day 1 or the second or even the third but it will happen. At some point you will decide when you are ready. Eggs must be broken if you want omelets or French toast or any other thing that requires eggs.

When was the last time you had a day 1?
For me it was today! How does that grab you?

I finally decided, AGAIN, that I am tired of feeling tired and was tired of having my pants cut my gut. I surrendered. I let go. I didn’t chase the carrot and decided to get real with myself and get back to basics.

Day 1. So far, I’m kicking it’s ass.

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