Category Archives: Insanity The Asylum

Crazy workout. Part II of Insanity.

Insanity the Asylum Day 3

April 22nd 2011
It's official. I'm sore. Yikes. Today was "Back to Core." I was grateful that we were not doing power jumps and nutty stuff but it was still a difficult workout. I love working my core. I love how much I get out these workouts already. This is amazing. Mark is in the kitchen making poached eggs and spinach from the Shaun T. 14 day shred guide. Can't wait. As we are working out I was watching Mike French. He is my upline coach. My coach Chris Reed is directly sponsored by him. A guy that was just Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 2

April 21st 2011
Wow. I am loving this workout. Day 1 I was super scared. I was still recovering from a cold and dizzy. Day 2 rocks. Strength. The mixture of weights and cardio is great. When you are really pushing it during the warm up and Shaun T. says "yeah and this is just the warm up." you think uh oh. But I felt it was very doable. I used lower level dumbells and didn't use the chin up bar. I have one but I still need to put it together. Heck, I'm only on day 2. Felt much better during this workout than Continue Reading >

Day 1 Asylum complete

April 20th 2011
Challenging is the best word I can come up with to describe this workout. Made it through the fit test on Friday before I started to get sick. Went down for the count late Saturday night and by Sunday I was hating it. Monday and Tuesday were have work half rest. I forced myself to lie in bed all day Tuesday. That is one of my problems. My mind will not shut off and I have this constant to-do list running. I forced myself to turn off my mind and chill. My body and mind appreciated it. I felt well Continue Reading >