Tag Archives: Team beachbody coach

Insanity The Asylum Day 16 – Vertical Plyo not a favorite

May 5th 2011
Vertical Plyo again. Yuck. Not my favorite at all. I love the 1 hour Game Day workout more than this 38 minute workout. Maybe it is all of the jumping and how high my heart rate gets. The warm up is a killer. I felt the same way about Plyo when doing Insanity but then it became one of my favorite workouts. It is the one that makes me cry at the end because I can leave it all on the floor. So for now I will resist the love for Vertical Plyo. I will continue to do it as instructed and push through. Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 13 – Strength

May 2nd 2011
What a day today. I go to bed last night around 9:30pm and wake up to my 5 year old staring at me at 1:45 in the morning. He had a bad dream and wanted to get in our bed for a little. The next few hours were spent with his legs in my kidneys. Finally at 4:30 I carried him to his own bed. Got an hour of sleep without being kicked. It was awesome. Alarm went off at 5:45 and I had to get out of bed. Day 13 was waiting. I picked up my phone to check messages. I had 3 text messages and one told me to Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 11- Game day

April 30th 2011
Awesome! This workout was a full hour and it kicked total butt. Even though I was working hard the entire time there wasn't anything that I didn't like. The moves were fairly basic and they were easy to modify or go slower if needed. I was so nervous about this workout similar to the jitters before a race. Shaun T. is so awesome at keeping your head in the game. If you want to challenge yourself then this workout is for you. Getting started. Looks like I need to get my rear end down a little Continue Reading >