Then and Now

July 8th 2015

I posted this picture on my facebook page and received a huge outpouring of love and support. I wanted to share it here too.

transformation pictures

Comparison is the thief of joy. Even when you compare to yourself.

Summer of 2012. Just turned 40 and was on my way to 41. I was about 30 pounds lighter than I am now. I’m still healthy. I still work out every day. I still drink my shake and feel great and I rarely get sick.
However, my weight climbs because I emotionally eat. My weight stays the same because I don’t focus on my nutrition the way I used to.
I look at these old pictures of me and I want to kick myself for how I didn’t treat my body with the respect it deserves. I know what to do and I just don’t do it consistently.

How can I coach others?
How can I be a leader?
How can I let this happen to me?
Why would anyone want to join my challenge group?

Because I KNOW YOU! I’m human and I’m not a quitter. I will never give up on myself. I’m a work in progress. I KNOW how to help people through tough times because I continue to survive and thrive. I know how to kick ass. I know how to coach you through the tears. I know how to coach you through the dark times and bring you to the light.

What am I doing now?
Taking each day by day. Each meal by meal. Each decision by each decision.
Focusing on gratitude and being at peace. Focusing on the light and not the darkness.

I do NOT want to be so wrapped up in my head and my own physical appearance that I stop enjoying life. Will I drink wine? You bet. Will I eat Mexican food? Sure thing. However, I will make better choices as often as possible so I love me all the time and not just when I’m 5 pounds or 30 pounds lighter.

I have haters. They are out there. “Heather got fat. Heather isn’t a good coach. I knew that program didn’t work. I’m glad I didn’t waste my money. I knew Heather wouldn’t succeed. It was just a matter of time before she gained the weight back.”

To the haters: So what. I’m not a quitter. You can suck it. I will continue to reach out and help others because THEY need it and I need.

To my lovers: I freaking love you. Thank you for your light, energy and support.

Now, I will go cry and NOT eat. I will cry and drink some water and reach out to some people to see if I can help them with their needs. #spreadlove #shineyourlight

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