Tag Archives: Insanity

Insanity The Asylum Day 13 – Strength

May 2nd 2011
What a day today. I go to bed last night around 9:30pm and wake up to my 5 year old staring at me at 1:45 in the morning. He had a bad dream and wanted to get in our bed for a little. The next few hours were spent with his legs in my kidneys. Finally at 4:30 I carried him to his own bed. Got an hour of sleep without being kicked. It was awesome. Alarm went off at 5:45 and I had to get out of bed. Day 13 was waiting. I picked up my phone to check messages. I had 3 text messages and one told me to Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 11- Game day

April 30th 2011
Awesome! This workout was a full hour and it kicked total butt. Even though I was working hard the entire time there wasn't anything that I didn't like. The moves were fairly basic and they were easy to modify or go slower if needed. I was so nervous about this workout similar to the jitters before a race. Shaun T. is so awesome at keeping your head in the game. If you want to challenge yourself then this workout is for you. Getting started. Looks like I need to get my rear end down a little Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 10

April 29th 2011
Day 10 = Relief Thank goodness. This workout was ONLY 25 minutes and it seemed to be yoga even though they don't call it yoga. Yesterday I recommitted to tracking my nutrition. I logged my food all day long in my weight watchers app on my phone. I remember a quote from Jack LaLanne. He said "you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet." True. Very true. I used to be an all or nothing type of person. If I can't do it perfectly then I wouldn't do it. Oh, 90 days of a program? Well I have a trip, Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 4 – Vertical Plyo

April 24th 2011
Whoa! This workout is nuts. It is insane. It is completely insane and I'm only on day 4 Vertical Plyo. We over slept this morning and didn't have time to get in the workout this morning before the 8am baseaball game. I was able to workout around 3pm. I could have blown it off but I promised myself and my team that I would do the full 30 days. No way could I give up on day 4. No way! We've commented to each other about how we are sore but not super sore. The only thing that is really different this Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 2

April 21st 2011
Wow. I am loving this workout. Day 1 I was super scared. I was still recovering from a cold and dizzy. Day 2 rocks. Strength. The mixture of weights and cardio is great. When you are really pushing it during the warm up and Shaun T. says "yeah and this is just the warm up." you think uh oh. But I felt it was very doable. I used lower level dumbells and didn't use the chin up bar. I have one but I still need to put it together. Heck, I'm only on day 2. Felt much better during this workout than Continue Reading >

Day 1 Asylum complete

April 20th 2011
Challenging is the best word I can come up with to describe this workout. Made it through the fit test on Friday before I started to get sick. Went down for the count late Saturday night and by Sunday I was hating it. Monday and Tuesday were have work half rest. I forced myself to lie in bed all day Tuesday. That is one of my problems. My mind will not shut off and I have this constant to-do list running. I forced myself to turn off my mind and chill. My body and mind appreciated it. I felt well Continue Reading >