Author Archives: Heather

As a coach I hear excuses and sometimes those excuses are coming from my own head. We will justify things so we can stay comfortable. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. It is the end said the caterpillar. It is just the beginning said the butterfly. There was a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. There are lessons all around us ALL THE TIME. Lessons to be patient from the slow driver Continue Reading >
Fueling your day is as important as picking the right fuel for car. Have you ever noticed that your car needs a certain type of Octane to run at optimal level? If you put the lowered tiered gas in then it may chug and break down. Your body is the same. Give your body sugary, starchy, processed foods and it will not act as well as if you fed it organic, whole foods. Recently I was asked how I fuel my days. How do I fuel my workout? What motivates me? What music do I listen to when I work out? All Continue Reading >
    Serves 4 (1 cup each) Gluten Free, Vegetarian 21 Day Fix Containers 2 1/2 greens 1 purple 1 teaspoon Total Fat 7 g Saturated Fat 3g Cholesterol 10mg Sodium 590mg Carbs 22g Sugars 18g Fiber 5g Protein 10g         3 Cups Grandma's Tomato Sauce (recipe in Fixate Cookbook) Or substitute a very low sugar/low sodium spaghetti sauce 1 cup low sodium organic vegetable broth 1/2 cup reduced fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt 4 tsp shredded Parmesan Continue Reading >
I have shocking news. Big, huge news. Are you ready? The way to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight is to EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE. Isn't that shocking? I've been a coach helping others since late 2010. Being healthy takes time. Being healthy may also cost money. Sometimes a lot of both. Would you rather pay $100 a month to be healthy than to pay $6000 to get healthy when you are sick? Would you rather be able to play with your kids and grandkids or would you rather have double Continue Reading >
Results of the 3 day Refresh and pictures of what I ate for 3 days. Lost 5.5 pounds. Lost 2 inches from waist and 1 inch from hips. Bloat gone. More energy. What is it? 3 day program with food and supplements. About 900-1000 calories a day for 3 days. Vegan. Shakeology, Fiber Sweep and Vanilla Fresh every day to keep your protein in check. There is a list of approved vegetables, fruits and dinner selections so you can find something you like. I like it because I get to eat. It is not Continue Reading >
I posted this picture on my facebook page and received a huge outpouring of love and support. I wanted to share it here too. Summer of 2012. Just turned 40 and was on my way to 41. I was about 30 pounds lighter than I am now. I'm still healthy. I still work out every day. I still drink my shake and feel great and I rarely get sick. However, my weight climbs because I emotionally eat. My weight stays the same because I don't focus on my nutrition the way I used to. I look at these old Continue Reading >

Tips on Healthy Eating

May 30th 2015
Tips on eating healthy. 1) Eat whole foods: Eat a banana over a bag of chips. No one ever ate 2 or 3 bananas in a row. How many times have you eaten a bag of chips or a bucket of popcorn? Focus on whole foods. 2) Avoid processed foods: Your body rarely will receive the nutrients it needs from a processed food. How many times have you returned to the pantry after eating a bag of chips to look for something else? Focus on foods with fewer chemicals, dyes, and ingredients. You will feel better. Continue Reading >

Accountability group Begins SOON!

May 17th 2015
If you are like me you need a PLAN and you need the plan very detailed. You don't have time for trying to figure it all out. You want a calendar, and a meal plan and everything at your fingertips. This group is it! Join us and see results. Do not wait. email me now for access into the group. Continue Reading >

Only Narcissists Post on Social Media

May 11th 2015
You've heard that before right? Social media is for narcissists. Everyone posts selfies and are looking for likes. No one cares about others and they just care about themselves. Or they are just a bunch of drama queens posting the "my life sucks" please comfort me while my life continues to suck. We spend our time reading about other people's lives and disconnect from our own. We get so involved with arguing about things with people we don't even know. While some of that might be true I firmly believe Continue Reading >

What is the Design of YOUR life?

April 23rd 2015
You hear advice from all of the gurus. They tell you to follow your passion. They tell you that those living the best lives are in careers that match their calling. How? How do you get started on your passion when you are working a full time job to pay the bills? How do you even know what your passion is? I wish I had this advice when I was in my 20's. I wish someone had told me to pick a career that I really wanted to do and not just one that paid well. Sure my business degree is helpful and Continue Reading >