Category Archives: Team Beachbody Coaching

What a difference a year makes

What a difference a year makes. I can’t stress that enough. The value of time and what you do with it. Have you ever heard that poem about time? To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam. To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of one minute: Ask Continue Reading >

Life Changing Experience

April 2nd 2012
Dreaming big. I can dream big. I do dream big. I’ll lie in bed or day dream about where I believe my life will be at the end of the year, 5 years, 10 years. Have you ever just sat down and really thought about it? I know for many years I thought I did. But I really didn’t. I’d think about what it would be like to be rich or have ripped abs. What would my life be like? Then I started to think about the “how” too much. How would I actually get there? Would my company get bought out and Continue Reading >


March 19th 2012
Scatter Brained Over the moon with excitement about this upcoming trip to the Bahamas. I have to perform a brain dump. I spent most of my adult life insecure about myself. The way I looked, the way I felt, and in my abilities to do anything. I was afraid to try. I was afraid to fail. I was afraid. Even when I was at my lowest weight ever I was still critical of myself. I needed a flatter stomach. I needed to be a smaller size. I never looked at myself and said nice things. I would look at other Continue Reading >

Should You Be a Team Beachbody Coach?

October 28th 2011
I get so many questions from people. What is a Beachbody coach? What does that mean? Do I have to coach people? Should I be a coach even when I’m overweight? How can I coach people when I don’t know anything about fitness? I’m not like you. I’m not motivated. To me there are several different types of coaches. Discount coaches: These coaches are strictly in it for the 25% cost savings. They have zero interest in sharing it with others or growing it as a business. Even if someone asks Continue Reading >

Insanity Day 40 Something

August 23rd 2011
Insanity, day 40 something. Check. Now to the point of the story. Motivation. How do I stay motivated to workout and stay fit. Coaching. Coaching is key. Have you tried a Beachbody fitness program and loved it? P90X, Insanity, 10 Minute Trainer, Brazil Butt Lift, Slim in 6 or something else? There are so many. How many time have you heard "oh my gosh you look great what are you doing?" You answer "P90X" and then point them to the Beachbody website. You've had your own Beachbody transformation Continue Reading >