Tag Archives: Insanity The Asylum

Then vs Now

December 14th 2012
Then vs Now Most people tend to reflect on the year when a new one is approaching. I could spend hours talking about how I’ve changed and improved. Last week I spoke on a call discussing some of the changes that have happened in the last 2 years because I said YES to becoming a Team Beachbody coach. I went from being the girl crying in the closet at my clothes to never crying in there again. I went from being the person calling the credit card company for available balance Continue Reading >

Insanity the Asylum volume 2

October 21st 2012
In 2011 I was introduced to Insanity The Asylum. Insanity with even more intensity. Imagine Insanity while jumping rope and keeping your feet in an agility ladder. Imagine challenging yourself to the max. Having workouts more than 1 hour and defining the term "dig deeper" with every workout. My body changed in just 5 days when doing Aslyum volume 1. If I had changed my diet to be cleaner I would have had even more amazing results. This time it is different. I've just finsihed the Beachbody Ultimate Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Results

June 2nd 2011
I did it. I made it through 30 days of Insanity The Asylum. I loved the mix of strengh, yoga(Relief) and cardio. Still working on jumping rope. The next round I will work on pull ups and focus on my eating plan. This time around it was mixed with holidays and vacations. I didn't follow the get shred guide. I'm sure if I had I would be shredded. Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 29 & 30 – Awesome ride

May 21st 2011
I made it. I'm committed! What a great workout. Day 29 - Speed & Agility Much better at jumping rope. Shoot the first 15 days I didn't even really try to jump rope. I tried once or twice but it I was having difficulting being in the zone while jumping rope. Finally toward the end I gave it a try. Much easier. I had more energy and was able to do it. Better at ab progressions too. My back feels bettter. Mountain Climber Progressions. Box 3 baby! In and Out ab progressions The challenge Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum- Day 27

May 16th 2011
Today was the most difficult workout out of all of the days. Worked out while on vacation and continued when I got back home. Setting the alarm and getting up this morning was a beating. Worse than when I was working out while sick in the first few days. I said I would do it and I'm going to do it. 3 more days. I am my only road block. You absolutely can do whatever you put your mind to doing. Set the goal and just do it. It would have been very easy to keep hitting snooze or just turn off my Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 20 while on vacation

May 9th 2011

Absolutely didn’t want to do this workout today. On vacation and Vertical plyo? No way. I did Game Day and OT on Mothers Day and now this? My lease favorite workout. I almost talked myself out of it and then I had to dig deep. I forced myself to do it. The only thing stopping me was mental. I was sore but I could do it.

This is it for videos. I’m on vacation!

Insanity The Asylum Day 16 – Vertical Plyo not a favorite

May 5th 2011
Vertical Plyo again. Yuck. Not my favorite at all. I love the 1 hour Game Day workout more than this 38 minute workout. Maybe it is all of the jumping and how high my heart rate gets. The warm up is a killer. I felt the same way about Plyo when doing Insanity but then it became one of my favorite workouts. It is the one that makes me cry at the end because I can leave it all on the floor. So for now I will resist the love for Vertical Plyo. I will continue to do it as instructed and push through. Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 13 – Strength

May 2nd 2011
What a day today. I go to bed last night around 9:30pm and wake up to my 5 year old staring at me at 1:45 in the morning. He had a bad dream and wanted to get in our bed for a little. The next few hours were spent with his legs in my kidneys. Finally at 4:30 I carried him to his own bed. Got an hour of sleep without being kicked. It was awesome. Alarm went off at 5:45 and I had to get out of bed. Day 13 was waiting. I picked up my phone to check messages. I had 3 text messages and one told me to Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 11- Game day

April 30th 2011
Awesome! This workout was a full hour and it kicked total butt. Even though I was working hard the entire time there wasn't anything that I didn't like. The moves were fairly basic and they were easy to modify or go slower if needed. I was so nervous about this workout similar to the jitters before a race. Shaun T. is so awesome at keeping your head in the game. If you want to challenge yourself then this workout is for you. Getting started. Looks like I need to get my rear end down a little Continue Reading >

Insanity The Asylum Day 10

April 29th 2011
Day 10 = Relief Thank goodness. This workout was ONLY 25 minutes and it seemed to be yoga even though they don't call it yoga. Yesterday I recommitted to tracking my nutrition. I logged my food all day long in my weight watchers app on my phone. I remember a quote from Jack LaLanne. He said "you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet." True. Very true. I used to be an all or nothing type of person. If I can't do it perfectly then I wouldn't do it. Oh, 90 days of a program? Well I have a trip, Continue Reading >