Tag Archives: beachbody

Fueling your day is as important as picking the right fuel for car. Have you ever noticed that your car needs a certain type of Octane to run at optimal level? If you put the lowered tiered gas in then it may chug and break down. Your body is the same. Give your body sugary, starchy, processed foods and it will not act as well as if you fed it organic, whole foods. Recently I was asked how I fuel my days. How do I fuel my workout? What motivates me? What music do I listen to when I work out? All Continue Reading >

Roasted Rood Medley with a twist

October 8th 2013
Roasted Root Medley for 2 recipe from the Beachbody 21 Day Ultimate Reset (modified a little) 1/2 medium yam, washed, peeled and cut into large chunks 1 large carrot, washed, peeled and cut into chunks 1 large beet, washed, peeled and cut into chunks 1/2 yellow onion, peeled and cut into large wedges 5 garlic cloves each cut in half 1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil Himalayan salt to taste Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a bowl, toss all ingredients together, Spread on a cookie Continue Reading >

Are you happy with your life?

July 10th 2013
Are you happy? Are you happy or are you in No Man’s Land? You know the place where you are unhappy but not unhappy enough to do anything about it. I challenge you to start applying the compound effect. Small positive changes every day to get you to your goals. Many people give up too early because they want drastic and immediate results. Know that it does take time. I have an analogy that I use from a friend of mine. He said “It takes one woman 9 months to make a baby. You can’t throw time Continue Reading >

Focus T25 Speed 1.0

June 25th 2013
Day 2 of Focus T25 Speed 1.0 The #1 reason people say they do not work out is time. They do not have time. There isn't an excuse now. Only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Some people take longer showers or surf around on facebook for longer than 25 minutes. Admit it. You've spent hours pinning stuff on Pinterest and say you don't have time to work out. You really just don't want to work out. Admit it! This is a great solution. 25 minutes of focus. You don't have to drive the gym. You don't Continue Reading >

The Big News

June 14th 2013
I’m free to follow my passion. Here is the big news. I’ve been teasing you for weeks. No more beating around the bush. I’m a full time Team Beachbody coach. Yep that’s right! I did it. We did it. I feel so freaking awesome I could catch a bullet in my teeth and fly around the world reversing the rotation. Seriously serious! Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. I’m pushing way out of my comfort zone on this one. I spent most of my adult life following other people’s Continue Reading >

What is stopping you from saying YES?

January 19th 2013
What is stopping you from saying YES? Who would say NO to better health? Who would say NO to a better body? Who would say NO to more income? Who would say NO to a better, more inspired life? No one does it on purpose yet I hear NO all the time. So many times I’ve had conversations with people who want a better life, want more money, want change, want a better relationship, a better job or better health. We have a great conversation and determine their WHY. What is a why? A why Continue Reading >

Then vs Now

December 14th 2012
Then vs Now Most people tend to reflect on the year when a new one is approaching. I could spend hours talking about how I’ve changed and improved. Last week I spoke on a call discussing some of the changes that have happened in the last 2 years because I said YES to becoming a Team Beachbody coach. I went from being the girl crying in the closet at my clothes to never crying in there again. I went from being the person calling the credit card company for available balance Continue Reading >

Happy 2 Year Anniversary

November 2nd 2012
Whoa! 2 years. What happens in 2 years? In November 2010 I became a Team Beachbody coach. I’m absolutely amazed at how much our lives have changed in 2 short years. I could ramble on and on about how awesome things are now. Many of you do not know my life before I was a coach in the public eye. I don’t want to get into too much detail but let’s just say that it wasn’t all that happy. We were getting by. We were like most families just trying to make it. It is difficult to admit but Continue Reading >

Insanity the Asylum volume 2

October 21st 2012
In 2011 I was introduced to Insanity The Asylum. Insanity with even more intensity. Imagine Insanity while jumping rope and keeping your feet in an agility ladder. Imagine challenging yourself to the max. Having workouts more than 1 hour and defining the term "dig deeper" with every workout. My body changed in just 5 days when doing Aslyum volume 1. If I had changed my diet to be cleaner I would have had even more amazing results. This time it is different. I've just finsihed the Beachbody Ultimate Continue Reading >

BLTs on Day 16 of the Ultimate Reset

October 9th 2012
BLT’s When I say BLT what do you think about? Probably bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich right? When I say BLT I mean Bites, licks and tastes. BLT’s can be the downfall of your nutrition and stop you from hitting your goal. The Ultimate Reset makes you aware just how much you spend calories on BLT’s. I’m a BLT offender when I’m: • Making my son his breakfast, lunch or dinner. If there is something on the side I would pop it in my mouth. Cut the crusts off his sandwich, I’ll Continue Reading >